- The vertical line spacing is to high.
- The font does not look good on the screen.
I have installed the wonderful Fontforge program and have begun work on a font called Chortle, which is a derivitive of Charis SIL that will address the two problems.
Since classic TrueType hinting can not be done without violating an Apple patent, the way I will make this font readable on the screen is by using FontForge's ability to edit both bitmap and vector versions of the sam font. Basically, I will correct, by hand, the bitmap versions of
There is quite a bit to do with this font; I still need to tidy up the ascent and descent values and put some space around the bullet. I may also put a dot in the "0" character to make it distinct from "O".
For people who are interested, the Chortle font can be downloaded here:
An update to the MaraDNS roadmap that I just posted to the list:
I have already done all of the changes to the csv2 parsing code to use tilde as record separators while being compatible with MaraDNS 1.2 csv2 zone files. I have also already added the bind_port and upstream_port variables, have made it possible to customize the nameserver used to recursively resolve a given subdomain, but have not rewritten udpany() yet.
I haven't touched the Python script to convert BIND zone files in to MaraDNS 1.3 zone files since 2006. My next MaraDNS project is to finish this script.
I have also made the final changes to the memory allocation so that Valgrind will always report that MaraDNS is not leaking memory. I am doing some stress testing right now, as I am typing this, to make sure MaraDNS' memory allocation is airtight.
I have found and fixed the problem with MaraDNS 20070219 crashing. Right now, as I am typing this, I am stress testing the MaraDNS 20070226 snapshot to make sure it is airtight.
I have just answered all support mail people have sent me the last few days. I will probably take a few days to answer mail that comes in.
- Sam