When I was comparing Chortle with the original version of Bitstream Charter given to the X consortium in 1992, I noticed that the spacing for the bold italic font was a lot tighter. See for yourself:
Here, the top is the original Bitstream Charter. The middle is Charis SIL. The bottom is the version of Chortle that I had this morning. You can see that the lettering is a lot tigher with Charis; this causes letters to overlap each other. I have made the lettering a little looser. You can see there is too much space around the "o"; I have since updated Chortle to have less spacing around "o" (and "e", the right of "b", the left of "d", the right of "p", and the left of "q"). "e" still has a little too much space on its right; I will update the Chortle font.
I also have finished the 17 pixel bold version of the bitmap font, and am almost done with the 17 pixel bold italic bitmap font.