Saturday, October 10, 2009

Clarification about MaraDNS roadmap

Since some anonymous freetard responded to my last blog entry by trying to put some BS on the MaraDNS Wikipedia entry, let me clarify my roadmap:
  • I have no plans to quit working on MaraDNS. “Quit working” implies I will no longer fix bugs or answer email on the list. This is false.
  • My current plan is to continue to fix bugs after the 2.0 release of MaraDNS. I plan on continuing to fix bugs in 2.0 and the upcoming 1.4 release of MaraDNS for the foreseeable future.
  • I will continue to monitor the mailing list and answer questions I deem appropriate to answer.
  • I will still provide for-pay private email support for MaraDNS
  • I will still add features to MaraDNS that people are willing to sponsor
Now, let me give you guys a rant about freetards. A freetard is someone who expects something for nothing. They feel they have an entitled right to download pirated software and media, and that companies who try to protect their intellectual property are somehow in the wrong (or that intellectual property should not exist). They feel they are entitled to free private email MaraDNS support (I get about one idiot like this a month) even though I make it clear I don’t provide this kind of support. They feel I should spend my free time writing MaraDNS “for fun and for free” and try to put untrue negative statements about MaraDNS on the Wikipedia if I don’t give them something they think they are entitled to.

One of the biggest hassles developing MaraDNS is the number of freetards out there. People who don’t lift a finger to help make MaraDNS a better server, but expect me to waste time answering their email asking for the same feature 10 other freetards have already asked for. People whose net contribution to MaraDNS has been to annoy me.

About a month ago, I had an interesting discussion on Slashdot about user’s expectations for open-source software. The conclusion: Many users of open-source software expect to be treated like customers, but are unwilling to pay a single dime for open-source software.

Bottom line: If you want to be treated like a customer of MaraDNS, you first must become a customer of MaraDNS. If you make a modest donation to MaraDNS, I will be happy to answer your email; the charge, for the record, is US $50 per private email support incident, more if I need to add a feature to MaraDNS to resolve your concern.

If you want to be a freetard and send me a private email, I’ll spend about 10 seconds scanning your email to make sure you didn’t make a donation, then send you the “Show me the money” form reply. Yes, this includes bug reports. Yes, this includes feature requests. Yes, this includes whatever discussion you want to have with me about MaraDNS in private email. All of this belongs on the list, not in my personal mailbox—unless you include a check in your email.