Friday, September 10, 2010

New Deadwood snapshot: Improved documentation

I just uploaded a Deadwood snapshot; this snapshot has updated and improved the Deadwood manpage (typos corrected; Windows Reference.txt version of manpage updated). In addition, I have added install.bat and uninstall.bat batch files to the Windows port of Deadwood, and revised README.txt for Windows accordingly, so Windows XP users can now install (or remove) Deadwood with just one click.

It can be looked at here:

Update: I just tested this in Windows 7, and Deadwood is not a one-click nor two-click install, since right-clicking on a .bat file and choosing “run as administrator” changes the current working directory to \WINDOWS\system32. To install on Windows 7:
  • Go to the start menu and search for “cmd”
  • When found, rick click on it and run “cmd” as an administrator
  • At the cmd prompt, use the “cd” command to find and enter the directory where Deadwood is unpacked
  • Invoke the “install.bat” script from this directory
I will have to update Vista.txt and README.txt to point out how to install Deadwood in Windows 7 (and, presumably, Windows Vista) in the next couple of days.