Monday, September 6, 2010

New Deadwood snapshot: Queries nearly three times faster

There has been some discussion today about the fact Deadwood, while very good at resolving names in general, is a good deal slower than other DNS servers.

Looking at the code, I already found the #1 offender that was responsible for about two thirds of the slowdown, and have patched this bug in today’s Deadwood snapshot. Anyone who feels Deadwood is a bit sluggish is encouraged to download and use today’s snapshot.

In addition, one issue that I have been thinking about for a while is that the hash compression function is not quite random enough. So, I’ve revised the hash compression core to add a random 16-bit number for each iteration of the hash compression. The number is randomly generated with Deadwood’s secure PRNG (Read: RadioGatĂșn[32]) and is different every time Deadwood is started.

Deadwood snapshots can be looked at here: