- Test added for hash_magic_number (needs custom compile of Deadwood to run, though)
- Test added for recurse_min_bind_port and recurse_number_ports
- DwMain.txt and DwTcp.txt files munged; fixed.
I will also revise the metascript that runs all of the tests to make sure we're in the MaraDNS directory and that MaraDNS is compiled; in addition, I need to make custom compiles of Deadwood for the ipv6 test and the hash_magic_number test; I want to have the script make these custom compiles so that we can have a simple one-script solution to giving Deadwood a complete tests (for the ipv6 test, I also need to make sure MaraDNS with authonly is compiled).
Once all of the tests are done, I will release Deadwood-2.1.01; this will be a stable branch of Deadwood. I will make bug fixes to this branch of Deadwood and take responsibility for any bugs this branch may have.
Once Deadwood-2.1.01 is released, I will try to make Deadwood part of Busybox.